about me

      Over the past 4 years I have written, developed, back-tested, and packaged 350+ profitable automated strategies into 6 portfolios of 6-10 systems trading 20+ futures instruments producing an average YoY return of 76%.  Along with ~60M in automated portfolios, I manage a $4M discretionary Equities, Options & Futures & Alternatives portfolio for an average of 19% YoY.
      Immediately out of school I wanted to go into Venture Capital, so I worked at a Seed Fund that would provide opportunities to learn the business and expand my network. After a year with them I was able to begin my own seed fund and select ventures for my own investments, one of which turned out to be Eat Purely here in Chicago.  
      As I continued to make Angel Investments, I realized it wasn’t always a full time commitment, so I began to focus on later stage companies and eventually returned to my true passion of capital markets. From prior experience with Futures & Equities I started there and shortly thereafter grew into Options, & FX.
      Then I discovered automation, which allowed me to utilize my programming background (Python, Matlab, R, C#, C++, Java) as well; 4 years and 400 strategies later I’m just as infatuated with Algorithmic strategies as the day I wrote my first system. While I have enjoyed working on my own, I want to begin the next chapter of my career by pushing the limits of automation and collaborating with others towards a common goal -- I hope this blog can help to achieve both.

zach Oakes